08. Screening methods
J.E. Levi 1, T.R. Martins 1, A. Longatto-Filho 2, D.D. Cohen 3, L.M.S. Fuza 3, L. Cury 3, L.L. Villa 4, J. Eluf-Neto 5.
1Instituto de Medicina Tropical da Universidade de São Paulo (Brazil), 2USP's College of Medicine (Brazil), 3Fundação Oncocentro de São Paulo (Brazil), 4National Institute of Science and Technology of the Diseases Associated to the Papillomavirus (Brazil), 5Fundação Oncocentro de São Paulociated to the Papillomavirus (Brazil)

Background / Objectives

Every year there are approximately 16,000 new cases of cervical cancer in Brazil. New screening technologies may lead to a reduction of this number by expanding the population coverage but also by improving the detection rate of precursor lesions. 


Women participating in a routine CC primary screening program were invited to enroll in this study. An LBC sample is collected in SurePath medium and transported to Fundação Oncocentro where BD Totalys™ System prepares, in parallel, slides for cytology and an aliquot for the BD Onclarity™ HPV Assay. A positive high-risk HPV test and/or cytology class > ASC-US refers the patient to colcoscopic examination and biopsy, if found necessary by the clinican. 


In between Dec., 2014 and Jan. 2016 12,084 women joined this study. Hr-HPV DNA prevalence was 15.2% while cytological abnormalities were verified in 8.9%. Per protocol, 2,058 were referred, but so far only 859 were evaluated by colposcopy. Two-hundred and sixteen were biopsied and 47 CIN2+ cases diagnosed, 46 Hr-HPV DNA+ (98%) and 11 cytology negative (76%). HPV testing identified two squamous carcinomas and an adenocarcinoma which was missed by cytology.  88% of the HSILs were positive for HPV.   Hr-HPV DNA frequency among women ≥ 30 yo was 10% and the overall HPV16/18 prevalence was 4.2%. Among the 11 CIN3+ cases HPV 16 was found in 4 and HPV 52 in 3, while HPV 18, 31, 45 and HPV33_58 were identified in one CIN3+ 


Hr-HPV DNA detected a significant number of patients with premalignant lesions missed by cytology. In another fraction, cytology provided a classification that would, according to the current Brazilian algorithm, delay the CIN2+ detection due to a loop of repeating cytology in 6 mo - 1 year. Screening in Brazil is still mostly opportunistic demanding a “one-stop” final diagnosis. If HPV-DNA screening is adopted, to avoid an increase in the need for colposcopic examinations, it will be very important to add to HPV-DNA+ samples , one marker of high positive predictive value, before referral , preferably from the same primary cervical smear. In addition, the European age cut-off of 30 yo for HPV based-screening is probably not ideal in Brazil, where is not uncommon to observe young women with CIN2+.
