SS 15-01Introduction to HPV Frame

29. Economics and modelling
K. Canfell 1.
1Cancer Council New South Wales, The University of Sydney (Australia)

Background / Objectives

HPV-FRAME is an initiative to develop a consensus statement and quality framework for modelled evaluations of HPV prevention. This talk will describe the history and rationale of the initiative and will discuss then progress to date and next steps.


Quality assessment of HPV models will be structured according several which reflect the policy questions of interest in HPV prevention. For each of these domains, a draft framework will be presented by members of the HPV-FRAME coordinating group at EUROGIN 2014. An opportunity for public comment will follow and the framework will eventually be published and disseminated.



The initiative will allow for the development of models in accordance with an explicit reporting and quality framework. This will allow the end-user, often a policy-maker, to appreciate how accurately the model reflects outcomes prior to change, the areas of simplification, whether a model construction and parameterization was appropriate to the decision question and the degree of uncertainty in a decision process.
