SS 02-06Barriers and solutions to increase prevention

10. HPV testing
M. Steben 1.
1Clinique A rue McGill - Montreal (Canada)

Background / Objectives

Prophylactic vaccines and cervical cancer screening are frequently seen as competitive technologies to control cervical cancer. But evidence shows that neither are an optimal preventive option alone. Combining both technologies may increase the potential for optimal reduction of HPV related cancers such as cervical cancers as well as genital warts. Combining may occur at various time of the sexual life of a woman. Most young women will have had access to HPV prophylactic vaccines at school and will need cervical cancer screening at a later age. Women, who could not access prophylactic vaccines when they were in school, could have access later in life, at the time of cervical cancer screening. Communication and access strategies may differ depending on the degree of HPV prevention program available in their countries. We will see examples of various countries implementation of their dual strategies.





