P02-14Pilot prevalence of incidence of 12 genotype of high risk HPV and 2 genotype of low risk HPV in Khorasan Razavi Stateς

02. Epidemiology and natural history
M. Hasanzadeh Mofrad 1.
1mashhad university of medical sciences,gynecology oncology department (Iran, Islamic Republic of)

Background / Objectives

cervical cancer is the one of common cancer in women.humman papiloma virusis the main factor in etiology.screening of  HPV and vaccination can be effective in prevention in this dieasis.

 we intended to determine the prevalence of HPV and genotyping in khorasan razavi.


In order to detect antibodies against HPV in cervical spicement and DNA of HPV were extracted and tested using PCR to be indentified.


Of 900 case in study, 37 cases(4/1%) werw positive for HPV, and 7 cases(18/9%)were also be positive for low risk HPV,30 Cases(81/1%)were positive for high risk HPV.also multiple HPV determined in 7 cases.statistical analyzis by Chi-2 showed only relation between HPV and passive smoker and duration of using of pil.


 Considering the prevalence of  HPV in khorasan razavi(4/1%) is lower than report of   other countries. but in all of study about efficacy of vaccination,complication and precancerous lesion decresed.we shoud spread this study in other site of iran that can be determind cost benefit of vaccination.
