34. Health education
F. Silveira 1, G. Vaz 2, A. Almeida 2, R. Costa 2, A.C. Reis 2, Y. Furtado 3, L. Carramenha 3.
1Faculdade de Medicina de Valença/ Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), 2Faculdade de Medicina de Valença (Brazil), 3Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)

Background / Objectives

One of the most prevalent sexually transmitted diseases affecting the population is Human Papillomavirus (HPV), which is one of the most common infections among young and sexually active individuals, in which 75-80% of the population has been, is or will be infected During his life.The lack of information about the Human Papilloma Virus, the signs and symptoms of the infection, its relation to cervical cancer and the forms of transmission, contributes to the female sex being more exposed to this desease.Thus, there is a need to research the understanding of the students and health professionals of an educational institution regarding HPV, since information is the main basis of health prevention. Objetive: To analyze the knowledge of medical and non-medical professionals, medical students and students of other courses regarding HPV (Human Papilloma virus). 


We interviewed 269 people in the city of Valença - RJ, with an identification questionnaire and questions about HPV. Among those interviewed are: doctors, medical students, non-medical professionals and students from other courses of the Dom André Arcoverde Foundation - FAA. 


The results were divided into 4 variables, such as: interviewee profile, knowledge of health professionals, high school students and non-medical professionals about HPV, relationship with uterine cancer and respect for the vaccine, questioning about acceptance of the vaccine against HPV. 


The results of the study indicate that the majority of health interviewees have knowledge about the Human Papilloma virus, its etiology, as well as its form of transmission and prevention. On the other hand, it is noticed that there is still a lack of knowledge on the part of the staffs and students of other courses.


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