CS 02-11Cervical Cancer Screening Guidelines in the US- Current Status and Future Directions

13. Screening methods
N. Wentzensen 1.
1National Institutes of Health (United States)

Background / Objectives

Currently, three different primary screening strategies are approved in the US, cytology, HPV-cytology co-testing, and HPV alone. 


These approaches have different intervals and use different triage strategies. In addition, there are management guidelines focusing on screen-positive women and recently, colposcopy recommendations were developed for the US. 


Currently, several organizations are preparing updates of screening and management guidelines to adapt to developments in the areas of screening and triage and to address the entering of the first cohorts of vaccinated women into screening programs. 


This presentation will review the various current screening, triage and management strategies and will provide an outlook towards the next iteration of guidelines developed by the American Society of Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology which will attempt to simplify screening and management procedures for providers through a risk-based approach and supported by a mobile application.
