MSS 05-06HPV-Associated Cancers- Which Screening is the Best Approach?

13. Screening methods
N. Wentzensen 1.
1National Institutes of Health (United States)

Background / Objectives

HPV infections cause cancers at multiple sites, including the uterine cervix, the anal region, and the oropharynx among others. 


Currently screening is only recommended for cervical cancers. This presentation will briefly review the evidence for and against screening of HPV-associated cancers at various sites and then focus on discussing different approaches to cervical cancer screening. 


There is not a single best strategy, instead, screening and management approaches need to be adapted to the specific setting and account for availability of technology, trained experts, and healthcare resources as well as for societal factors like risk tolerance and perception. 


Examples for screening approaches from high- and low resource settings will illustrate these different strategies.
