>Abstracts > Presenter guide

PLATHINIUM 2021 will be held fully online

by using the well-known Zoom Meeting platform.

 Guidelines (pdf version)

For all registered participants:

  • Please connect on Monday 13 September morning between 8:15 and 8:40 before the opening ceremony which will start 8:45.
  • The final link will be sent on Friday 10 September. It will be active for the 5 days. Please keep it as confidential and do not communicate it to anybody who is not registered to Plathinium.
  • In the waiting room, make sure to identify yourself correctly by renaming yourself as follows: First Name + Lastname + Lab or Company. This identifier will allow the organizer to let you enter the Conference rooms; otherwise you will stay in the waiting room! (To rename yourself correctly, right click on your image).
  • Please switch your microphone off while the speaker is on the stage except for asking questions after his/her presentation.




  • Parallel sessions. You will be able to join any running session (opened room) by clicking on “Breakout rooms”. For oral sessions, rooms will be named according to the session topic. For poster sessions, there will be one room per poster, identified by the poster number and the name of the presenter. All received posters (PDF A0) will be available in an online poster Gallery accessible as soon as Monday 6 September through a dedicated link that will be sent to all registered participants on Monday 6th.
  • After an oral presentation, please indicate « question » in the Chat or raise your hand by clicking on the Reactions button should you want to ask questions or comment the presentation. The session chair will give you the floor in order of requests. Please turn on your microphone and your video to ask your question.
  • Rooms will stay open after the sessions to allow participants pursue the discussion with session speakers
  • Some additional breakout rooms will be opened in free access should you want to have a chat with other attendees (as it can be done in the common areas in a congress centre)
  • Feel free to use a virtual background proposed by the Organization (add an image) or use the “blur” function.

Abstracts of oral presentations, will be downloadable following this link, available from Wednesday 8 September


If you have an oral presentation:

  • All the presentations will be given in live! (no recorded presentations).
  • You are invited to pin the session chair on your screen.
  • Just before your talk, please ensure you have only one active screen for the sharing.
  • Open your presentation, share your screen and click the slideshow mode. Duration 15 minutes including discussion (40 minutes for plenary speakers)
  • The session chair will reactivate his/her camera 2 or 3 minutes before the end of your talk

Please stop the sharing after the questions.

If you have a poster:

  • Posters have been distributed according 5 poster sessions. Duration: 1 hour each.
    Feel free to have a look on the posters program available online.
    A link to the poster gallery will be sent to all registered participants on Monday 6 September

    - Session #1: Tuesday 14 Sept., 17:30 to 18:30
    - Session #2: Wednesday 15 Sept., 11:30 to 12:30
    - Session #3: Wednesday 15 Sept., 14:00 to 15:00
    - Session #4: Thursday 16 Sept., 17:30 to 18:30
    - Session #5: Friday 17 Sept, 11:45 to 12:45

  • At the beginning of the session, you are invited to join your dedicated room (Named by the number of your poster and your name). Attendees are then free to join by themselves the poster room they want, and move from one room to another, as for a face-to-face poster session.
  • During the session you can share your poster in PDF A0 without using the full screen mode in order you can zoom easier on the different parts of your poster.

If you are facing troubles with connection or identification,
Do not hesitate to contact us:

Hervé Lemoine / +336 26 19 48 86 / herve.lemoine@vide.org
Gweltaz Hirel / +336 76 04 49 72 / gweltaz.hirel@vide.org





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