The deadline to submit your abstract ended on January 9th, 2023
The SENP association invites you to submit an abstract to be considered for the SENP Scientific Program. Accepted abstracts will be presented in either thematic Poster sessions or Oral communications sessions.
Furthermore, twenty abstracts in line with the themes of the meeting will be selected by the Organizing Committee and published in Neuropediatrics, a highly respected Journal in the Pediatrics field.
click here to read the 2022 published abstract (SENP Lausanne).
Poster flash sessions: some posters will be selected by the Scientific Committee for a 3-minute oral presentation in the auditorium!
A / Abstract Information
Every abstract submission has to be made online at
Please note that submissions outside of the online system will NOT be accepted
- The Selection Committee reserves the right to refuse abstracts that are not aligned with submission criteria / theme criteria.
- Please note that the Committee may change the choice of your presentation type according to the program format.
- We kindly remind you that the presenting author must be registered to the congress, if not, selected presentations will be removed from the program.
- Deadline to submit your abstract :January 9th, 2023 at 23:59 pm GMT.