Xavier De Tiège is Professor and Director of the “Service de Neuroimagerie translationnelle” of the Hôpital universitaire de Bruxelles (HUB). He also Professor (“Chargé de Cours”) of Neuroanatomy and Neurosciences at the Université libre de Bruxelles. Finally, He is Director of the “Laboratoire de Neuroanatomie et Neuroimagerie translationnelles” (LN2T, ULB Neuroscience Institute), which is offering state of the art expertise in functional neuroimaging data acquisition and signal processing (MEG, high-density EEG, PET-MR). His research based on neuroimaging aims at better characterizing the neural bases of major brain functions (e.g., sensory, motor, cognitive functions). Results obtained in healthy subjects are then rapidly transferred to the clinical domain in the framework of translational neuroimaging to get further insights into the pathophysiology of major human brain disorders or to develop novel diagnostic neuroimaging tools.

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