HPV FASTER projects worldwide

Wednesday, December 5, 2018
Scientific Session
SS 10 10:00 AM > 11:30 AM HPV FASTER projects worldwide 5B

Screen and treat strategies are required in many developing countries to address the lack of adequate follow-up of screened positive women. The combination of screening with HPV vaccination in the HPV-FASTER strategy aims at reducing the future risk of disease and therefore maximize the impact in a potential single screening visit. Session speakers will inform on current and planned studies using combinations of screen, treat and vaccinate strategies, provide results on modelled effectiveness of such strategies and explore new ideas and concepts towards a single preventive visit.
10:00 AM SS 10-01 HPV FASTER in Mexico: the FASTER-Tlalpan Study > J. Jorge SALMERON 10:12 AM SS 10-02 The COHEAHR-WP4 feasibility study: Would European adult women get HPV vaccinated? > C. Claudia Robles 10:24 AM SS 10-03 Merging opportunities; the ESTAMPA and the HPV-FASTER studies > L. Laia BRUNI 10:36 AM SS 10-04 HPV-FASTER: modeling population-level effectiveness and cost-effectiveness in low and high-resource settings > K. Kate SIMMS 10:48 AM SS 10-05 Falsifiable modelling for cervical cancer control: an open-source option > I. Iacopo BAUSSANO 11:00 AM SS 10-06 Towards one visit intervention programs > X. Xavier BOSCH 11:12 AM SS 10-07 Discussion

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