Head and Neck Forum - HPV and non-oropharynx cancers

Monday, December 3, 2018
HN 06 9:45 AM > 11:15 AM Head and Neck Forum - HPV and non-oropharynx cancers 5B

Human papillomavirus (HPV) plays a causative role in squamous cell carcinomas of the oropharynx (tonsil, soft palate, and base of tongue). P16 immunohistochemistry is widely used to discriminate HPV-independent from HPV-driven oropharyngeal cancers, with P16 (HPV)-positive cancers having a superior prognosis. The etiologic role of HPV and utility of P16 as a biomarker in non-oropharyngeal cancers is less clear, though many recent studies have emerged linking HPV to non-oropharyngeal cancers and identifying P16 as a potential prognostic biomarker in this context. This session will highlight recent research on the epidemiology and prognostic implications of HPV and P16 in non-oropharyngeal cancers, with attention to differences compared to oropharyngeal cancers and present gaps in knowledge.
9:45 AM HN 06-01 Etiologic role of HPV in Larynx and oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma > M. Miren Taberna 10:03 AM HN 06-02 HPV and sinonasal cancers > L. Lisa ROOPER 10:21 AM HN 06-03 Global perspective on HPV in non-oropharynx cancers > L. Laia ALEMANY 10:39 AM HN 06-04 p16 as a biomarker in non-oropharyngeal cancer independent of HPV > T. Tim Fenton 10:57 AM HN 06-05 Discussion

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