21 November 2022 - 25 November 2022 Metz, France

Poster session 1

23 November 2022
Poster session
PS1 17:00 > 18:00 Poster session 1 Hall 1

10 Palaeo-environmental study of two charcoal-hearth soil sequences in the northern Vosges mountains (Bitche, France) > A. Anne GEBHARDT 104 Why raccoon presence is no reason to panic &ndash; results of a long-term field study in Germany > B. Berit MICHLER 134 TEMPERATURE AND BODY SIZE REDUCTION ALTERS FOOD WEB STRUCTURE AND AQUATIC ECOSYSTEM FUNCTIONNING > J. Julie MORLA 139 Blackcurrant pollinators or the cost of absence > M. Marie Charlotte ANSTETT 144 Is crop emergence influenced by intercropping? Early growth dynamics of spring wheat and faba bean in crop mixtures > M. Madhuri PAUL 152 Challenging the sustainability of urban beekeeping using evidence from Swiss cities > J. Joan CASANELLES ABELLA 154 <em>Fagus sylvatica</em> L. & <em>Quercus pyrenaica</em> Willd.: an odd couple of the sub-Mediterranean ecotone > S. Sergio DE TOMÁS MARÍN 157 Direct and indirect effects of insect diversity on wood decomposition > J. Jiayun ZOU 158 Countrywide wild bee taxonomic and functional diversity patterns reveal a spatial mismatch between alpha and beta diversity components across multiple ecological gradients > J. Joan CASANELLES ABELLA 162 Functional and taxonomic diversity of carabid beetle assemblages in forest fragments and hedges in heterogeneous agricultural landscapes > R. Ronan MARREC 164 Impact of the Farming with Alternative Pollinators approach on crop pollinator pollen diet > A. Ahlam SENTIL 166 REGRASS: Re-establishing grasslands in the agricultural landscape to promote insect diversity > M. Maria PEER 169 The dimension of stability in multiplex ecological networks > I. Ismaël LAJAAITI 172 Plant root defence traits mediate yield decline in 19 year old monocultures > L. Leonardo BASSI 173 Digital microscopy improves diatom research > M. Michael KLOSTER 198 Agroforestery change carabid comunity in composition and space 203 Hydrochory as a means for mediterranean vineyards revegetation > M. Martin FAUCHER 219 Fallow strips in agricultural grassland as temporary conservation measures > M. Mareike OPONCZEWSKI 231 Aquatic communities in urban micro-ecosystems &ndash; The black Bucket Challenge > A. Anna SOMMER 232 Space use of terrestrial invertebrates : phylogenetic, functional and environmental drivers of interspecific variations > G. Gwenaëlle AUGER 237 Influence of hedgerows and landscape composition on bats in vineyards > F. Fernanda CHAVEZ 239 Temporal dynamics of plant available nutrients are affected by mycorrhizal type and tree species richness > E. Elisabeth BÖNISCH 241 Impacts of bark beetle infestations on biodiversity and recreation in protected areas of Central Europe > M. Mareike KORTMANN 249 Title: Social perception of a freshwater introduced top predator, the European catfish, by angler community in Europe. > P. Paul CASTAGNÉ 253 Prospective researches on the long-term trajectories of forest ponds in lowland forests in North-Eastern France > V. Vincent ROBIN 258 Fungicide reduction enhances beneficial arthropods in grapevine > J. Jo Marie REIFF 264 Precision grazing for biodiversity? Spatio-temporal scales of grazing effects on vegetation structure and arthropod abundance > F. Frank JAUKER 271 ResBerry &ndash; Resilient organic berry cropping systems through enhanced biodiversity and innovative management strategies > C. Christine BECKER 272 Suggestions and requirements for a national biodiversity monitoring in German forests (NaBioWald) > F. Franz KROIHER 286 Functional traits modifying nutrient loading effects on the productivity of <em>Trapa natans</em> L. > N. Natalie PALM 290 How do tree microhabitats affect bats and birds in cities? > S. Sara TASSONI 295 Pest Population Status in Eastern German Apple Orchards > I. Ingrid Aline BAPFUBUSA NIYIBIZI 3 Physiological and behavioural consequences of environmental salinity in a coastal frog > L. Léa LORRAIN-SOLIGON 30 Biodiversity in agriculture: Sustainable cultivation methods as an opportunity for environment and farmers > L. Laura KELLERMANN 307 The Altitudinal Gradient of Pollination Networks > Q. Qiang YANG 310 3-D land-cover-based fine-scale urban connectivity model for bird functional groups > S. Soyeon BAE 324 Significant changes in the ground vegetation along an environmental gradient across German forests: results from the intensive forest monitoring sites > I. Inken KRÜGER 33 Tracking abrupt shifts in marine fish stock trajectories > M. Mathieu PÉLISSIÉ 336 Blood bacterial diversity of small mammals from different agricultural contexts > G. Grégoire PEREZ 338 Pesticide use on different crops and its impact on wild-bee communities at the landscape level > A. Antonia MAYR 34 Contributions of agroecological infrastructures in developing pesticide-free solutions against the beet yellowing disease > K. Kévin TOUGERON 341 <strong>A global meta-analysis on the drivers of mosquito host-feeding patterns</strong> > M. Magdalena Laura WEHMEYER 345 On the restoration of hedgerow ground vegetation: Local and landscape drivers of plant diversity and weed colonization > A. Audrey ALIGNIER 374 Exploring mechanisms of spatial segregation between body size groups within fish populations: a case study in the North Sea > H-H. Hsiao-Hang TAO 377 How do local habitat characteristics influence the population of cabbage stem flea beetle larvae in oilseed rape fields? > J. Justine PIGOT 379 Modelling the establishment potential of the brown marmorated stink bug (<em>Halyomorpha halys</em>) in Germany > B. Bastian HESS 394 French agricultural areas: more abundant bird populations where fewer pesticides are purchased > A-C. Anne-Christine MONNET 396 Semi-natural habitats promote winter survival of wild-living honey bees in an agricultural landscape. > B. Benjamin RUTSCHMANN 403 A review of belief-based use of vultures in West Africa > M. Michael Bode AGUNBIADE 412 Impact of volcanic sulfur emissions on the pine forest of La Palma, Spain > C. Carl BEIERKUHNLEIN 422 Two thousand years of boreal disturbances history : a multi-proxy approach > M. Milva DRUGUET DAYRAS 426 The role of small woody landscape features and agroforestry systems for national carbon budgeting in Germany > M. Mojdeh SAFAEI, A. Andreas HANZL 439 Post-drought rhizodeposition from mature temperate trees defines formation traits of soil organic matter stabilization > M. Melanie BRUNN 440 Limited stability of an alternative state - evidence from a field experiment testing volcanic ash effects on mire vegetation > S. Stefan HOTES 448 Former crops have stronger legacy effects than former meadows and pastures on soil conditions, taxonomic and functional composition of plant communities in French montane forests > S. Sylvain MOLLIER 452 Effects of habitat size, landscape context and management on the diversity of true bugs in bush ecotones > F. Fabian KLIMM 455 Heterogeneous ornamental-wildlife plantings on semi-extensive roofs : success and interest for novels ecosystems research > T. Tanguy LOUIS-LUCAS 466 The global distribution of burrowing mammals > F. Finn REHLING 47 Toward integration of nutritional and metabolic ecology?: the energetic cost of food quality > T. Thomas RUIZ 470 Participatory project on the ecological impact, economic efficiency and governance of cooperative agri-environmental measures > I. Isabelle ARIMOND 472 Biodiversity in protected areas: priorities for regional biodiversity conservation > C. Christian ZEHNER 483 Winter survival of honeybees&#39; colonies: is it also a matter of nutrition? How quality of pollen influences winter survival. > G. Giulia MAINARDI 489 From chironomids to climate: environmental control of chironomid assemblages in lakes of northeastern North America and palaeoecological applications > T. Thomas SURANYI 491 <strong>Small stream floodplains hold high conservation value for carabid beetles but not for spiders</strong> > P. Peer BAUSPIESS 494 Study of ecosystem services generated in an experimental design combining green roofs and photovoltaic panels. > M. Marie BELIN 499 sOilFauna - a global synthesis effort on the drivers of soil macrofauna communities and functioning > P. Pierre GANAULT 503 Retrospective assessment of the global decline of European bats (1940s-2010s) > E. Eve AFONSO 506 Controls of nitrate leaching in forests of Douglas fir, European beech and Norway spruce and their mixtures: species and site > K. Klara MRAK 51 Temperature dependency of nutritional requirements : A U-shaped response Unifying divergent stoichiometric viewpoints > T. Thomas RUIZ 512 The potential of metabarcoding plant components of Malaise trap samples to enhance knowledge of plant-insect interact&shy;&shy;&shy;ions > B. Birgit GEMEINHOLZER 513 Existing and future ways to learn and teach Research Data Management with NFDI4Biodiversity > J. Juliane RÖDER 519 Study of the spatial ecology and terrestrial habitat selection of the green toad (Bufotes viridis) by radio telemetry during the post-breeding period. > M. Morand ALAIN 520 Forest history and industrial development interlinks at territorial scale inferred from an innovative combination of wood and charcoal past use evidences > V. Vincent ROBIN 525 The Hohenheimer Tree-Ring Collection at the Curt-Engelhorn-Center Archaeometry gGmbH &ndash; A collection of specimens for dendroecological and dendroclimatological research > H. Hannes KNAPP 530 Australian acacias: a showcase for remote sensing-based mapping and impact assessments of invasive trees > A. Andreas HANZL, M. Mojdeh SAFAEI 534 The paleoecological reconstruction of the Machais peat bog (High Vosges France): an outstanding site > V. Vincent ROBIN 536 Nature-Positive Agriculture (NaPA): participative, nation-wide, on-farm evaluation of a biodiversity-enhancement strategy > V. Vera PRENZEL 542 Application of null models to evaluate the incorporation of intraspecific variation in habitat suitability models for European beech (<em>Fagus sylvatica</em> L.) > N. Niels PREUK 554 iPhenology &ndash; using open-access citizen science data to track plant phenology at continental scale > Y. Yves KLINGER 557 Identifying bird and bat diversity in intensely used agricultural landscapes of Central Europe using novel passive acoustic monitoring tools > M. Michael BECKMANN 559 Disparate patterns of genetic divergence and environmental adaptation among three Pacific corals across their geographical range > D. Didier FORCIOLI 567 Thermal tolerance capacity might differ among longitudinal gradient: a study at individual level in cereal aphid guild > R. Ruining LI 568 Insect habitat features in urban gardens vary across urbanization gradients, and key structures predict bee and non-bee pollinator abundance > A. Astrid NEUMANN 579 Back introduction of invasive genotypes as an underestimated risk within a species' native habitat &ndash; insights from a transplant experiment > L. Lena Yasmin WATERMANN 584 Above-ground structural complexity of <em>Cymodocea nodosa</em> meadows enhances their role as carbon sinks 589 Holocene REVEALS-based diversity changes across Europe > C. Caterina RÖHM 594 Flow Cytometry assays for detection and cell-sorting of polyphosphate accumulating bacteria (PABs) > C. Clémentin BOUQUET 601 How anthropogenic and natural parameters shape plant species richness on European barrier islands > C. Carl BEIERKUHNLEIN 602 Population and biological characterization of the Invasive Plant species Baccharis halimifolia in South Brittany (France) > M. Marie PEIGNARD 606 Effects of nutrient enrichment and fishing pressure on top predators on the structure and functioning of aquatic ecosystems: a large-scale experimental approach > G. Gérard LACROIX 612 Seasonal movements of porbeagle sharks (Lamna nasus) in the Northeastern Atlantic Ocean > S. Sandrine SERRE 622 Impact de la lumière artificielle sur les arthropodes : une vue du sol > A. Alexina COCRELLE 626 Impacts of alien invasive plant species on biodiversity in Central Europe. Impact of <em>Prunus serotina</em> in pine stands on the local entomofauna in the Berlin urban forests (Grunewald area). > K. Karolina PIETRAS-COUFFIGNAL 627 Consistent increase of ecosystem functioning with diversity for two tropical mountain ecosystems > A. Annemarie WURZ 629 Intercrops as foraging habitats for bees: Bees do not prefer sole legume crops over legume-cereal mixtures > A. Annika HASS 634 The influence of artificial light at night on movement activity and predation rates in grassland communities > A. Alexander DYER 636 Application of a BACI protocol to assess the efficiency of management (or control) of the exotic invasive <em>Myriophyllum heterophyllum</em> in a freshwater yacht harbour > H. Hélène GROFFIER 639 Can rolling composite wildflower blocks increase biodiversity in agricultural landscapes better than wildflowers strips? I. The effect of shape > V. Vera KAUNATH 642 Spatio-temporal dynamic and global change effects on ant communities of small Mediterranean islands and islets > R. Romane BLAYA 646 Diversity at Giving-up-Density: top-down effects of foraging decisions and of functional trait composition of resource species on the biodiversity of resources after foraging > J. Jana ECCARD 658 Biotic and abiotic drivers of geographic distributions and co-occurrence of Proteaceae species in the South African Fynbos > J. Joern PAGEL 66 Biological validation of European Broad River Types > J. Jonathan JUPKE 663 Monitoring the effects of climate change on insect-pollinated crops &ndash; a field experiment with oilseed rape and strawberry > P. Paula PRUCKER 664 Biotope connectivity in intensively used agricultural areas: What do we know about functional landscape connectivity? > A-K. Anne-Kathrin SCHNEIDER 668 CaMTrAB - Camera Trapping for Mammal Trophic Interactions, Abundance and Biodiversity > M. Max MÜLLER 670 Introducing native plant species to increase regional biodiversity on extensive green roofs in northwestern Germany > F. Franziska PÄSCH 673 Hedges and flower strips promote plant-pollinator interactions without compromising apple flower visitation > A. Anne MUPEPELE 680 Assessment of ecosystem services and environmental impacts of agricultural systems: going further than an indicator list > C. Christian BOCKSTALLER 686 ReCROP : Bioinocula and CROPping systems: an integrated biotechnological approach for improving crop yield, biodiversity and REsilience of Mediterranean agro-ecosystems > N. Ninon DELCOURT 688 Toward the discrimination of relic and active microbial communities in lake sedimentary archives: a paleolimnological approach applied to the three domains of life > M. Marc LACOMBE 691 Effects of litter preconditioning on its subsequent decomposition in an intermittent river network > M. Margot JANS 73 Protected semi-natural grasslands have higher plant species richness next to organic than to conventional arable fields > B. Benito SCHÖPKE 78 Climate warming compounds plant responses to habitat conversion > A. Alistair AUFFRET 82 No yield gap in organic grasslands? Soil nutrients and forage production in organic versus conventional permanent grasslands > V. Valentin KLAUS 86 On the skin of the dragon &ndash; The role of cuticular hydrocarbons for thermoregulation in damselflies (Zygoptera) > K. Katja JÄKLE 91 Impact of farming practices at the landscape scale on aphids vectors of yellows in beet crops 92 Potential for biological control by carabid beetles follows similar seasonal among five different crops > G. Gael CARO
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