Monday, November 21, 2022 - Friday, November 25, 2022 Metz, France

Machine learning for ecological images.

22 November 2022
S4 13:45 > 15:45 Machine learning for ecological images. Room 06

Main organizer of the symposium :
Sakina-Dorothée AYATA, LOCEAN, Sorbonne Université,

Co-organizers of the symposium (Names, institutions, emails):
- Martin LAVIALE, LIEC, Université de Lorraine,
- Jean-Olivier IRISSON, LOV, Sorbonne Université,
- Frédéric MAPS, Université Laval, Québec,

Session description (max 300 words):
More and more ecologists are now using various types of images to address ecological questions. These images include satellite data of continental landscapes and ocean surface, photos of large organisms taken from camera traps, underwater videos of fish or benthic habitats, individual images of organisms taken in situ or in the lab, plant images taken from a smartphone, etc. Although these images have very different characteristics (automatic vs manual acquisition, homogeneous or complex background, community, population or individual scale, pixel resolution, color vs. back and white, etc.), ecologists are facing common issues and challenges. They include in particular detection and segmentation problems, how to efficiently use transfer learning approaches or how to deal with class imbalance in automatic classification algorithms. This symposium aims at gathering computer scientists interested in ecological applications and ecologists collecting and analyzing ecological images to exchange on common interdisciplinary issues.

· Speakers
Keynote: Kristian Meissner (SYKE, Finland): computer vision and deep learning for aquatic monitoring and decision making (25+10 min) - Confirmed

Regards croisés: Cédric Pradalier (GeorgiaTech Lorraine Metz) & Martin Laviale (LIEC, Université de Lorraine): Using ML for environmental monitoring, different perspectives froma computer scientist and an ecologist.
25 min incl. discussions (7 + 7 + 10min of discussion) -

Short talks:
(10+5 min /speaker)
- Jean-Olivier Irisson: Assisted annotation and EcoTaxa, a tool to support the
annotation of large image datasets by supervised machine learning prediction.

- Julien Renoult (CEFE, Montpellier): Using deep neural networks to study the
evolution of visual phenotypes. (Remote presentation)

- Jędrzej Świeżewski and Piotr Pasza Storożenko (Appsilon, Poland) Robust
ecological analysis of camera trap data labeled by a machine learning model OR/AND ML for ecological applications, example on estimating functional traits in images, the example of copepod lipid sacs.

- Michael Kloster (Univ Duisbourg, Germany): Deep learning-based diatom taxonomy on virtual slides for diatoms.

· Sponsorship:
This symposium is co-organised by several french and international initiatives (SU-ISCDFORMAL, ANR-SmartBiodiv, SN-Artifactz) that can cover for the travel of the invited speakers (secured funding).

INT138 Using ML for environmental monitoring, different perspectives from a computer scientist and an ecologist > C. Cédric PRADALIER, M. Martin LAVIALE
Content : Regards croisés: Cédric Pradalier (GeorgiaTech Lorraine Metz) & Martin Laviale (LIEC, Université de Lorraine)
INT139 Assisted annotation and EcoTaxa, a tool to support the annotation of large image datasets by supervised machine learning prediction > J-O. Jean-Olivier IRISSON INT140 Using deep neural networks to study the evolution of visual phenotypes. (Remote presentation) > J. Julien RENOULT
Content : Julien Renoult (CEFE, Montpellier)
INT141 Robust ecological analysis of camera trap data labeled by a machine learning model OR/AND ML for ecological applications, example on estimating functional traits in images, the example of copepod lipid sacs > J. Jędrzej ŚWIEŻEWSKI INT142 Deep learning-based diatom taxonomy on virtual slides for diatoms > M. Michael KLOSTER INT7 Computer vision and deep learning for aquatic monitoring and decision making > K. Kristian MEISSNER
Content : Keynote: Kristian Meissner (SYKE, Finland)
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