Monday, November 21, 2022 - Friday, November 25, 2022 Metz, France

Aquatic Ecology

22 November 2022
Regular session
Aquatic Ecology R24 16:15 > 18:15 Aquatic Ecology Room : 11 + 12 Aquatic Ecology

16:15 28 Asynchronous recovery of predators and prey mitigates deleterious effects of droughts on litter decomposition in freshwater ecosystems > T. Thomas RUIZ 16:30 184 Does hydrology influence fish communities in canals of reclaimed marshes? > J. Julie CRABOT 16:45 222 Understanding genetic and species diversity patterns across multiple trophic levels in river landscapes > L. Laura FARGEOT 17:00 266 Drivers of fish size spectrum and bioindicators in lentic ecosystems across France. > V. Valentin MARIN 17:15 387 Multiple lines and levels of evidence for bird-mediated colonization of isolated lakes by freshwater fish > F. Flavien GARCIA 17:30 437 Source and pathways of carbon in lake food webs under anthropogenic perturbations. > V. Valentin ESSERT 17:45 443 Combined effect of agricultural run-off and warming on agricultural streams: a mesocosm experiment > J. Joey ALLEN 18:00 523 How can the hydric stress modify the potential of phototrophic biofilms to sustain secondary production? > C. Camille COURCOUL
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