21 November 2022 - 25 November 2022 Metz, France

Nature and society (1/2)

24 November 2022
Regular session
Nature and society R37 10:00 > 12:00 Nature and society (1/2) Verlaine B Nature and society

10:00 54 There's a place for every animal, but not in my back yard: a survey on attitudes towards urban animals and where people want them to live > F. Fabio SWEET 10:15 83 Covid lockdown walks reflect different modes of relations to urban nature > F. Florian SCHNEIDER 10:30 111 Can automated plant identification apps provide local phenology data? > N. Negin KATAL 10:45 199 The importance of old man-made landscape structures for biodiversity. Case study of the Czech Republic > M. Marketa SANTRUCKOVA 11:00 486 Perception of the scientific expertise within an environmental controversy due to pesticides contamination: the Cleurie River (France) case study > M. Martin LAVIALE 11:15 211 Land-use trajectories for sustainable land system transformations: Identifying leverage points in a global biodiversity hotspot > D. Dominic MARTIN 11:30 277 How can citizen scientists contribute to stream and aquatic insect monitoring? Comparison of citizen science data with expert data and pesticide measurements > J. Julia VON GÖNNER 11:45 289 Connection to nature and time spent in gardens predicts social cohesion > R. Rachel OH 12:00 201 Drivers of environmental best management practices in agricultural landscapes of south-central Ontario, Canada > M. Michael DRESCHER
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