INDUSTRY SYMPOSIUM // LUPIN - Myotonia: should we reach a consensus on patient needs?

23 April 2024
SYMPO2 13:00 > 14:00 INDUSTRY SYMPOSIUM // LUPIN - Myotonia: should we reach a consensus on patient needs? 351

13:00 SYMP2L1 Introduction and overview of myotonic disorders > G. Guillaume BASSEZ (Paris, France) 13:10 SYMP2L2 Living with myotonia: do we understand patients’ needs? > J. Jordi DIAZ-MANERA (Newcastle Upon Tyne, Uk) 13:30 SYMP2L3 Debate – expert opinions on myotonia in myotonic dystrophies (DM) and non-dystrophic myotonia (NDM) > G. Guillaume BASSEZ (Paris, France), V. Valeria SANSONE (Milan, Italy), B. Benedikt SCHOSER (Munich, Germany) 13:55 SYMP2L4 Key takeaways and close > V. Valeria SANSONE (Milan, Italy)
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