Welcome to the PEUGEOT International Press Test Drive registration website!

This website allows you to register to the PEUGEOT ELECTRIFIED RANGE INTERNATIONAL PRESS TEST DRIVES, which will take place in Sitges, Spain, from January, 12th until February, 7th 2020. It will also allow us to gather all the usefull information to organise your session. 

Over the coming weeks,detailed information on the organisation of the event will be available on the website.
You will be able to download this information in a PDF document and share it easily with the participants involved. 

The official invitation can also be downloaded and modified directly on the website. 

For any additional information on the functionalities of this new website, please click on the "User Guide" button at the bottom of this page

If you have any questions or in case you need to contact the event organisation team, please contact us on:
Hotline : +33 6 23 88 59 60

Let's make this event a success together!
The Organisation Team


User Guide


Le site est publié par AUTOMOBILES PEUGEOT, société anonyme au capital de 172 711 770 Euros, dont le siège est au : 07 rue Henri Sainte-Claire Deville, 92500 Rueil-Malmaison (France), immatriculée au Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés de PARIS sous le numéro B 552 144 503. N° d’identification : FR 23552144503, 552 144 503 R.C.S. Nanterre – APE 7010Z N° SIRET : 552 144 503 01248 Téléphone : 01 55 94 81 00

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