We are proud to announce that the Second International Congress on Mobile Health Devices and Seizure Detection in Epilepsy will be held in Lausanne September 6-7, 2019.
The first edition held in Copenhagen in 2017 was very successful in gathering 150 stakeholders active in the field.
The main topics of this second edition:
- State-of-the-art and Innovative technologies for EEG and non-EEG based seizure detection
- Clinical needs for seizure detection
- Reimbursement issues for mHealth solutions in epilepsy
NEW THIS YEAR : the Congress will be preceded by a Masterclass about "Home video telemetry" (September 5, 2019 from 15.00 to 19.00).
Content of Masterclass :
- Current best practice of HVT
- Patient and hospital benefits
- How to establish a HVT service
- Future developments and trends
- Community work
- Patient experience and perspective
- Workshop with demonstrations & discussion
According to the rapid developments observed in the field, we are very confident that this second edition will be even more successful, taking advantage of the unique NeuroTechnology environment of the Lemanic region.
We look forward to welcoming you in Lausanne
Best regards,
Sandor Benizcky and Philippe Ryvlin