Welcome to our FAQ page!

Below you can find some practical information about the IPFA/PEI Workshop.

If you have any additional questions or need assistance please contact us at info@ipfa.nl.

What can I expect from the IPFA/PEI 27th International Workshop on Surveillance and Screening of Blood-borne Pathogens?
The 27th Workshop will address the detection, inactivation and epidemiology of new and old agents that threaten the safety of blood components as well as plasma medicines. The scientific program will as always focus on items of specific interest for the blood and plasma collection establishments. This year, with the COVID-19 pandemic still ongoing, we hope to address lessons learned from this, and ways to prepare for similar future outbreaks.

What if I am not available on the congress dates?
All sessions will be available online for on-demand viewingfrom 7 May until 30 June 2021 (23:59 CET).

On the lobby (entrance page) of platform, you can see 4 TV screens. By clicking on these TV screens, you can access the main items of the congress.

In the menu bar, you can also access the programme, speaker list (showing their profiles) and our sponsors.

In the footer, you will see our sponsors. By clicking on their logo, you will arrive at their virtual space.


Live sessions
On the main congress days (4-6 May) the live sessions will take place. Click on “Programme” to see the schedule. You can view the sessions at the scheduled time by clicking on “Attend the live programme”. This will open the live stream.

Each scientific session finishes with a live and interactive Q&A. There are also breaks included, in order for you to have time in between to chat with other participants and to explore the sponsor lobby.

On-demand sessions
All live sessions will be recorded. The recordings will be made available on this platform from 7 May – 30 June 2021 (23:59 CET)..

Opening hours Sponsor Lobby
The official opening hours of the Sponsor lobby are from 15:00 – 18:30 CEST on the official congress days (4-6 May). During these times, you can (video-)chat with the sponsors. Outside these hours you are free to continue exploring the Sponsor lobby, but the sponsors might not be available for chats or calls.

Will my data be shared with sponsors and exhibitors?
Yes, your contact information will be shared with the company if you visit their virtual space, join a Manufacturer session, or click on any sponsored materials. Please note everything on the platform is “clickable”, therefore, if you click on a sponsored content or a logo your data will be shared with that specific sponsor. These partners might contact you during or after the congress via email.

How can I find a sponsor?
Please visit the Sponsor Lobby via the Sponsor screen on the main page of the platform or in the menu bar. You can also click on the logo of the sponsor in the footer.

You can interact with sponsors via their own dedicated virtual page. Here you can chat, video call or leave a message via a contact form. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with them!


How can I interact with fellow participants?
We offer a chat on the platform. Here you can see who else is online on the bottom right panel of the screen. Via the chat you can have a live interaction with the participants who are currently also on the platform. Reach out to your colleagues and have a conversation!


What device can I use to access the platform?
The congress platform is accessible via any device that can connect to the Internet via an Internet browser; this could be your desktop, laptop, tablet or smartphone. The experience is fully responsive to any device. If you login with the same account from a different device, you pick up from where you left off. You can log in from different devices on your IPFA/PEI virtual workshop account. However, note that you can only watch sessions on one device at a time.

How do I watch presentations on my mobile device?
This platform is mobile responsive and is automatically formatted to play on most mobile devices. Simply log in on your mobile device. We cannot guarantee compatibility with every mobile device as operating system requirements frequently vary.

Do I have to be online to use the platform?
Yes. It requires that you are online and logged in to view the content of the virtual congress. Also note that you can only watch sessions on one device at a time.

Are there any technical requirements needed to access the platform?
The platform is designed to be easily accessible for all delegates. To access the platform, you will simply need a device with audio (desktop, laptop, tablet, smartphone) and a stable Internet connection.

In order to have the best experience, we recommend using the latest version of Google Chrome, but other browsers such as Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Safari and Internet Explorer 11+ can also be used. However, we do not recommend Internet Explorer as some functions, such as the chat, are not fully supported.

For more technical information please refer to the table below:


IPFA/PEI 27th International Workshop on
Surveillance and Screening of Bloodborne Pathogens –

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