>Inside the event > ITER Technical Visit


  • Reservation required when registering to the conference (Limited seats, deadline to register: November 4)
  • Please note that registration requires providing personal data to the organizers for reasons of security
  • Places will be allocated on a first-come first-served basis

Indicative timetable

- Departure from Congress Centre (Parc Chanot)
09:30 - Arrival at the ITER site, access formalities
09:45 - Welcome and presentation of the ITER worksite
10:15 - Site tour
11:45 - Exit formalities
12:00 - Departure for Marseille
13:00 - Arrival to the Congress Centre

The ITER Project is currently under construction on a 180-hectare site in southern France. Thirty-nine buildings and technical areas will house the ITER Tokamak and its plant systems. The heart of the facility - the Tokamak Building - is a seven-storey structure in reinforced concrete that will sit 13 metres below the platform level and 60 metres above. Pre-assembly of Tokamak components will take place in the adjacent Assembly Hall. Other auxiliary buildings in the vicinity of the Tokamak Building will include cooling towers, electrical installations, a control room, facilities for the management of waste, and the cryogenics plant that will provide liquid helium to cool the ITER magnets. Europe, as part of its commitments to the project, is building nearly all of the platform buildings and site infrastructure. An estimated 2,300 workers will participate in the construction of the ITER scientific facility. Over the next years each building, as it becomes ready for occupation, will be handed over to the ITER Organization for the start of assembly works. The successful integration and assembly of over one million components (ten million parts), built in the ITER Members' factories around the world and delivered to the ITER site constitutes a tremendous logistics and engineering challenge. An assembly workforce of approximately 2,000 people will be needed at the height of assembly activities. In the ITER offices around the world, the exact sequence of assembly events has been carefully orchestrated and coordinated. The first large components began arriving in 2015. ITER organization is expecting the first 440-tonne vacuum vessel sector from South Korea. More information: IO website.





Photos of the construction and take a virtual tour of ITER construction 

With ITER Organization courtesy




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