Professor of Neurology Pediatric, in the pediatric neurology unit of the children's hospital in Toulouse (CHU Purpan), specialist in Neuro Development disorders. Member of the multidisciplinary Center for the Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome. PhD in neuroscience in 2005 : The topic the thesis concerned the  specific language disorders in children under the supervision of Jean François Démonet. Member of the ToNIC team (Toulouse NeuroImaging Center) INSERM Unit U1214.


Reseach topics:

Specific language and learning disorders in children in a context either primary (Developmental Dyslexia, Developmental Coordination Disorder), or secondary as in Neurofibromatosis type 1. The objectives are firstly: understanding the links between cognitive and behavioral levels and brain dysfunctions addressed with functional brain imaging techniques (evoked potentials, functional MRI) and secondly: the study of comorbidity in learning disabilities and the role of memory systems (working, procedural and declarative memories).

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