Awards & prizes
SFV “Michel Cantarel” student grant
Congralutations to the winners of the SFV "Michel Cantarel" Student grant

in alphabetic order:
- #98 - Influence of adatom mobility on residual stress generation, evolution and relaxation for high mobility metal thin film growth
A. Jamnig, Institut Pprime, Département Physique et Mécanique des Matériaux, Poitiers (FR)
- #51 - Evolution of structure, residual stresses and mechanical properties of nanocrystalline multi-layered AlCrN-AlTiN coatings upon thermal loading revealed by cross-sectional X-ray diffraction
S. Klima, Montanuniversität Leoben - Leoben (AT)
- #100 - Antibacterial thin films prepared by means of low temperature plasma
J. Kratochvíl, Charles Univ., Prague & Univ. South Bohemia in Ceské Budejovice (CZ)
- #69 - Structural characterization and opto-electronical properties of copper carbon composite thin films
A. Lelong, Laboratoire de Physique de la Matière Condensée, Univ. Picardie Jules Verne - Amiens (FR)
To encourage young researchers' works, French Vacuum Society (SFV) will reward 4 PhD students attending ITFPC 17 in Nancy.
The 'Michel CANTAREL' Grants consists on Certificates (Diploma)
& Cash prizes of € 300 for each student.
To be eligible for the “Michel Cantarel” Student Grant, the Applicant must:
- be registered as a graduate student
- present an oral or poster contribution (see Application section)
- pay the registration fees
- be present during the Closing ceremony
To compete to the "Michel Cantarel” Student Grants, PhD students have to check "yes" in the Abstract submission form (section: SFV “Michel Cantarel” Student grant) and must send by email to the Conference secretary before 28th May:
- One short-CV (3 pages maximum) including:
- Date of birth
- Date of thesis beginning and tentative date of PhD discussion
- Name of the PhD supervisor(s)
- School, University curriculum
- Career path (if neede)
- Abstract of the PhD work
- List of publications and communications (oral, poster)
- Support letter from the PhD supervisor(s)
- Copy of the 2017 student card
The documents listed above must be received by May 28th by email to the Conference secretary . The support letter must be sent by email by the supervisor.
The SFV “Michel Cantarel” Student Grant' Committee will proceed in 3 steps:
- On 13th June, a first selection: 8 finalists will be chosen based on the scientific and the originality of the work.
- The Final selection will proceed during the conference: The Committee will attend the selected presentations (during oral and poster sessions) in order to decide for the best works.
- The Granted PhD students will be rewarded during the Closing ceremony at the end of the conference.