Short courses
Courses on thin film science will be delivered prior to the start of the ITFPC'17 Conference.
13:00 |
Welcome of participants |
13:30 |
Transmission electron microscopy : characterisations overview
Dr. Stéphanie Bruyère - IJL, Univ; Lorraine, Nancy, FR |
14:30 |
Synchrotron radiation and thin film characterization (provisional)
Pr. Maria-Carmen Asensio - Synchrotron Soleil, Saclay, FR |
15:30 |
Coffee break 30’ |
16:00 |
Electron Energy-Loss Spectroscopy
Pr. Odile Stephan - LPS, Univ. Paris Sud, Orsay (FR) |
17:00 |
Texture investigation by means of XRD
Dr. Ing. Pascal Boulet - IJL, Univ. Lorraine, Nancy, FR |
18:00 |
End of the short courses |
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