>Rates and registration for CIP-MIATEC 2017

 Registration form

 Already registered

 Registration period



Extra cost will be applied from June, 6th
Registrations will be closed on June, 22nd


As Nice is a popular & touristic city, especially in this period, we recommend that
you book your accommodation as soon as possible:
housing bureau.

 Registration fees

Table rates
in Euros / VAT included

Additional charge of €50 for registration after June 6th, 2017

Registration SFV Non-member SFV Member* PhD** Student***
   Short courses1 only
   Monday 26 - Tuesday 27 morning
€ 490 € 430 € 315 € 215
   Conferences2 only
   Tuesday 27 afternoon - Friday 30 morning
€ 360 € 300 € 270 € 230
   Package3 "short courses & Conferences"
   Monday 26 - Friday 30 morning
€ 700 € 640 € 480 € 350
   Exhibition only****
   Tuesday 27 & Wednesday 28
Free Free

*Subject to verification before validation
**Within 2 years of PhD defense (certificate of PhD defense requested)
***A proof of your student condition is required in the online form
****Accompanying person can access for free the exhibition area with this registration


Short courses only:

  • Access to the 3 half days short courses
  • Short courses materials
  • Coffee breaks (morning & afternoon)
  • 1 lunch: Mon. 26

Conferences only:

  • Scientific sessions, posters
  • Access to conferences & exhibition area
  • Congress documents
  • Book of abstracts
  • Coffees breaks (morning and afternoon)
  • 2 lunches: Wed. 28 & Thu. 29

    Not included: Tue. 27 lunch & Gala dinner

Package "short courses & Conferences":

  • Access to the 3 half days short courses
  • Short courses materials
  • Scientific sessions, posters
  • Access to conferences & exhibition area
  • Congress documents
  • Book of abstracts
  • Coffees breaks (morning and afternoon)
  • 4 lunches: Mon. 26, Tue. 27, Wed. 28 & Thu. 29

    Not included: Gala dinner on Tue. 27

Extra meals
In Euros / VAT 20% excluded 

Be careful, some meals are not included in the registration. Seatted lunch with a fixed menu (composed of a starter, main course and dessert).

Type of meals Rate / meal  
   Sitted lunch on site
   Mon. 26, Tue. 27, Wed. 28 and / or Thu. 29 June
€ 30  
   Gala dinner
   Tuesday 27 June
€ 72  


Learn more about Social program 

 Invitation letter

In order to issue your invitation letter, you shall fill the “Invitation letter” section in the registration form.

Information asked on the form:

  • Name as it appears in your passport
  • Date of birth
  • Nationality
  • Passport number
  • Date of expiry
  • Passport copy

Your invitation letter will be send by email within 1 week after registration.

For any requests about Registration, please contact the Conference secretary


 Terms and conditions

Cancellation policy

€50 administrative costs will be charged for cancellations of registrations, 2 month before the conference.

After this deadline, €100 will be retained.

No refunds will be made if notice of cancellation is received more than 2 weeks before the conference.

Only written cancellations will be accepted. Cancellation must be send through:

  • Email at sfv@vide.org or to the conference secretary address displayed on the website,
  • Fax: +33 (0)1 42786320
  • Post mail at: SFV, 19 rue du Renard F-75004 Paris, France

In case of cancellation due to the organization, all fees will be refund as soon as possible but no longer than 2 month after the cancellation.

Consult the complete General Terms and Conditions of Sales





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