Student Awards

Enhance your research work, be candidate to CIP-MIATEC2017 Student Awards!

Congratulations for the winners of
CIP/MIATEC Student award!



Student Award:
the most original and innovative Oral


Student Award:
the most original and innovative Poster

  Madeleine Vauthier
Smart coatings with interfacial thermoreversible properties
Institut de Science des Matériaux de Mulhouse (IS2M) - Mulhouse (FR)
  Morten Steinecke
Very thick mixture oxide thin IBS films for investigation of nonlinear material properties
Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V. - Hannover (DE)


Congratulations for the finalists of
CIP/MIATEC Student award!


Oral presentations:

Adrien Chauvin:
Nanoporous gold thin films as a platform for the detection of small molecules
Institut des materiaux Jean Rouxel (IMN) - Nantes (FR)

Juvy Balbarona:
Plasma treatment of poly(ethylene glycol-co-1,3/1,4 cyclohexanedimethanol terephthalate) for surface and adhesion improvement
Dep. of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering, Univ. of the Philippines Diliman (PH)

Madeleine Vauthier:
Smart coatings with interfacial thermoreversible properties
Institut de Science des Matériaux de Mulhouse (IS2M) - Mulhouse (FR)





Poster presentations:

Morten Steinecke:
Very thick mixture oxide thin IBS films for investigation of nonlinear material properties
Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V. - Hannover (DE)

Benoit Baudrillart:
Study of a distributed antenna array microwave plasma process used for low temperature nanocrystalline diamond film deposition through plasma diagnostics and material characterization
LSPM-CNRS, UPR 3407, Université Paris 13, Sorbonne Paris Cité - Villetaneuse (FR)

Hamidreza Hajihoseini:
Vanadium and VN thin films grown by high power impulse magnetron sputtering
University of Iceland - Reykjavik (IS)

Masoud Shekargoftar:
Two steps roll-to-roll plasma processing for optimize inkjet printed TiO2 photoanode on flexible materials
Masryk University - Brno (CZ)

Mahmoud Trad:
Synthesis of cadmium oxide microcubes by nanosecond-pulsed discharges in liquid nitrogen
Institut Jean Lamour, Université de Lorraine - Nancy (FR)

 Presentation of the Student awards

To encourage young researchers' works, French Vacuum Society (SFV) will reward the most original and innovative papers presented by PhD students attending CIP-MIATEC 2017 in Nice. The Award consists of certificates (Diploma) and cash prizes:

  • €500 for Oral presentation
  • €300 for Poster presentation


To be eligible for the CIP -MIATEC 2017 Student Awards, the Applicant must :

  • be registered as a graduate student
  • have submitted a paper
  • paid the registration fees.

 How to apply the CIP-MIATEC 2017 Student Awards?

Application file

To compete to the CIP-MIATEC 2017 student award, PhD students are invited to send by email:

  • One short-CV (3 pages maximum) including:
    • Date of birth.
    • Date of thesis beginning and tentative date of PhD discussion.
    • Name of the PhD supervisor(s).
    • Abstract of the PhD work.
    • List of publications and communications (oral, poster).
  • Support letter from the PhD supervisor(s).
  • Copy of the 2017/2018 student card.


  1. The applicant must indicate his/her intention to participate by checking the right box on the "call for papers" form.
  2. The application file must be received by April 18th, 2017 at 10:00 (GMT+1) by email: The support letter must be sent by email by the supervisor.
  3. The Student Awards' Committee with members of the steering and the scientific Committees will proceed in 3 steps:
    • By the middle of May 2017, a first selection will choose a maximum of 5 finalists in each of the categories "Best oral presentation" and "Best poster presentation", based on the scientific and the originality of the work..
    • The Final selection will proceed during the conference. The Student Awards' Committee will attend the selected presentations (during oral and poster sessions) in order to decide for the best works.
    • The Awarded PhD students (one per category) will be rewarded during a dedicated ceremony at the end of CIP-MIATEC2017 event.

Good luck to all the applicants





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