Plasma sources and electrical discharges - Part I

Tuesday, June 27, 2017
01. Plasma sources and electrical discharges S01.1 2:55 PM > 4:10 PM Plasma sources and electrical discharges - Part I Clio room 01. Plasma sources and electrical discharges

2:55 PM S01.1-1I065 Gasless sputtering – a source of dense metal plasma > J. Joakim Andersson 3:30 PM S01.1-2O013 Modelling of subnanosecond discharges in air > G. George Naidis 3:50 PM S01.1-3O093 Simulations of Magnetron Plasmas with an Energy-Conserving Particle-in-Cell Code. > D. Denis Eremin





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