About Grenoble
Grenoble, land of science and innovation
About 157,000 inhabitants in a metropole of about 665,000 persons. A young and cosmopolitan city, constantly on the move!
- Best student city in France (L'Etudiant 2013)
- 2nd largest research area in France
- 2nd most dynamic region as regards economy in France (4th in Europe)
- 2nd largest metropolitan area for engineers in France (% of total jobs)
- 5th most innovative city in the world (Forbes 2013)
A unique scientific hub
- 61,000 students in 3 universities, including 9,000 foreign students
- 14,000 visiting scientist per year from abroad
- 3,600 researching professors in 129 university laboratories
- 3,700 doctoral students (45% coming from abroad)
- 9 national research bodies: CNRS, CEA, IRSTEA, CEN, CRSSA, INRA, INRIA, INSERM, IRD
- 5 major international facilities: ESRF, ILL, EMBL, GHMFL, IRAM
- 3 competitive centers
Grenoble, a multiple city
Grenoble is nestled in a green frame, in the heart of 3 alpine chains: Belledonne, Chartreuse, and Vercors. Flattest city in France, Grenoble sits at 213 m above sea level. An urban cable car takes visitors up to La Bastille, 263 m above. From here, you'll discover a breath-taking bird's eye view of the city. The historic center is dense and rich, with a prestigious past, over a range of 2000 years.
Up to 14 museums dealing with various fields as:
- Art (Museum of Grenoble, National Contemporary Art Center, …)
- Culture and History (Champollion, Stendhal, Archeology, …)
- Science & Technology (Museum of Industrial Innovation, …)
- Sports (Mountain Museum, …)