Visit Grenoble
Located in the southeast of France, Grenoble is the second city of the Rhone-Alps region and is niched in a verdant setting, at the heart of 3 alpine chains. The flattest city in France, Grenoble sits at 213 meters in altitude. An urban cable car, the first of its kind, has been taking visitors up to La Bastille, 263 meters above, since 1934. From here, you'll discover a breath-taking bird's eye view of the city.
The city, its layout, and its history then become much clearer:
At the center, the historic heart is dense, rich with a prestigious past going back more than 2000 years in history. To the west, a world renowned scientific complex. To the south, the urban sprawl accelerated by the 1968 winter Olympic Games and to the east, the university campus which welcomes 61,000 students.
Naturally Y-shaped thanks to the presence of the three alpine chains (Belledonne, Chartreuse, and Vercors), Grenoble can be accessed from three points: one from the direction of Valence and Lyon, the other from the south and the Route Napoléon, and the last from Chambery and Italy.
A remarkable university and scientific population give Grenoble the image of a young, cosmopolitan city, one that is constantly on the move. The arrival and departure of the students and scientists mean that Grenoble never gets caught up with stereotypes. This is a free city!