>Scientific program

 Invited lectures

Plenary speakers

Probing ultrafast electron and spin dynamics
in momentum, space and time

Prof. Martin Aeschlimann
Univ. Kaiserslautern, DE

Webpage /  Short CV

Chemical reactions at surfaces:
Single Molecular view

Prof. Maki Kawai
Univ. Tokyo, JP

Webpage /  Short CV

Magnetic remanence in single atoms

Prof. Harald Brune
Institute of Physics, EPFL, CH

Webpage /  Short CV

Nanopolarity: new manifestations
of classical electrostatics

Prof. Claudine Noguera
Paris Nanoscience Institute, FR

Webpage /  Short CV

Graphene: the freedom of a surface without bulk

Prof. Annalisa Fasolino
Radboud Univ., Nijmegen, NL

Webpage /  Short CV


Invited speakers

Intra-particular mobility in supported nanoalloys: From a metastable to an equilibrium structure

Prof. Pascal Andreazza
ICMN, Univ. Orléans, FR


Self-assembled sealed graphene nanoblisters
as cages for squeezed rare gas atoms

Prof. Rosanna Larciprete
ISC, CNR, Roma, IT -  the EPS invited speaker Grant 

Webpage /  

Electrocatalysts and "anti-electrocatalysts"
for energy applications

Prof. Aliaksandr S. Bandarenka
Technical Univ. of Munich, DE


Dynamics of solid state dewetting by Low Energy Electron Microscopy

Prof. Frédéric Leroy
CINaM, Aix-Marseille Univ., FR


The Water Surface: Complex, Dynamic and Wet

Prof. Mischa Bonn
Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Mainz, DE


Model studies in energy-related catalysis
and electrocatalysis

Prof. Jörg Libuda
Friedrich-Alexander-Univ.-Erlangen-Nuremberg, DE


Modelling the surfaces of Oxide materials

Prof. C. Richard A. Catlow
Univ. College London, UK


Atomically precise graphene nanoribbons
through on-surface synthesis

Prof. Peter Liljeroth
Atomic Scale Physics, Aalto Univ., FI


Deformation in graphene on metals

Prof. Johann Coraux
Néel Institute, Grenoble, FR


Reducible oxides as ultrathin epitaxial films

Prof. Paola Luches
CNR Nano, Modena, IT


1D and 2D materials characterization using combined STM & nc-AFM

Dr. Thomas Dienel
Nanotech@surfaces Laboratory, Empa Dübendorf, CH


Epitaxial oxide engineering for solar water splitting

Prof. Hélène Magnan
Laboratoire Nanomagnetisme et Oxydes, CEA Saclay, FR


Revealing Atomic Site-dependent g-factor within a Single Magnetic Molecule via Extended Kondo Effect

Dr. Shixuan Du
Institute of Physics CAS, Beijing, PRC


Surface properties of elemental 2D materials
in ambiant conditions

Prof. Richard Martel
Univ. Montréal, Québec, CA


Solid capillarity: when surface properties dominate the mechanics of soft solids

Prof. Eric Dufresne
ETH Zürich, CH


Single atom catalysis: an atomic-scale view

Prof. Gareth Parkinson
Institute of Applied Physics, Technical Univ. Vienna, AT



The initial stages of ZnO thin film growth
by Atomic Layer Deposition

Prof. Dillon Fong
MSD, Argonne National Laboratory, Illinois, USA


Structural, Electronic and magnetic reconstructions of the the 2DEG formed at titanate oxide interfaces

Prof. Marco Salluzzo
SPIN, CNR, Napoli, IT



Three decades of atomic force microscopy -
what is in for surface science?

Prof. Franz J. Giessibl
Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics,
Univ. Regensburg, DE


Surface assisted synthesis of graphene nanostructures on silver

Prof. Letizia Savio
IMEM, CNR, Genova, IT



Metalation of porphyrins interacting with surfaces

Dr. Andrea Goldoni
MNCL, Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste, IT


Advancing oxygen electroreduction on the basis
of model investigations of Pt-based surfaces

Prof. Ifan Stephens
Technical Univ. Denmark, Lyngby, DK



Probing and modifying graphene at the atomic scale with STM and NCAFM

Prof. Jose M. Gómez-Rodríguez
Univ. Madrid, ES


Reactions on transition metal oxide surfaces studied by high-resolution STM

Dr. Stefan Wendt
Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center, Aarhus Univ., DK



Scattering Methods and Force Spectroscopy Reveal Molecular Level Structure and Interactions of Lipid Membranes 

Prof. Tonya Kuhl
Univ. California, Davis, USA


Perovskite oxide surfaces: New structures and surprising interface properties

Prof. Wolf Widdra
Physics Insitute, Martin-Luther-Univ. Halle-Wittenberg, DE



Conversions at the  droplets' interface

Prof. Katharina Landfester
Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Mainz, DE






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