Welcome to La Bastille, a small fortified mountain located at the crossroad of the three valleys, served by the first urban cable-car in the world. In a few minutes, days and night, the famous “bubbles” of Grenoble take you in the air from the center of the town up to the Bastille fortress. An outstanding vision: From the hilltop, discover the flattest town in France in its mountain setting! When the sun sets and the lights go down in the city, the view is outstanding.
A fortified heritage
An impressive military structure built between 1823 and 1848, remarkably well-preserved fortifications. La Bastille features ramparts, blockhouses and steps, rising up almost 300 meters. This site has been an integral part of the city for more than 2,000 years. A south-facing location at the gateway to the natural park of La Chartreuse, the Bastille is this impressive mass of limbstone turned into a strong and strategic place over the centuries.
One reaches the top fortress – a dungeon surrounded by two fortified arms – by walking on paths, along majestic ramparts and stairs, punctuated by strongholds, galleries and caves.
Virtual visit
An outstanding cable car
The cable-car is built in 1934, on the slopes of the hill located on the left bank of the Isère River. This was going to be the first urban cable-car in the world. Since then, the Bastille site has been a privileged walking destination for the inhabitants of Grenoble as well as the tourists.
Since its opening in 1934, more than 14 million people have traveled in the cable-car. With an average activity of 260,000 visitors per year, the Grenoble-Bastille cable-car shows outstanding performances.
Both the running of the site and the efforts put in favor of good quality have been rewarded in March 2003 by the certification NF EN ISO.
Venue & Access